Yes. There are several. And your doctor may suggest one or more. Again, the best advice is to proceed with caution and carefully research any new drug you are considering. A few are mentioned below. Tegretol (carbamazepine): an anti-seizure drug. Some studies have shown this drug to be effective in reducing certain physical withdrawal symptoms. Others have shown it to be ineffective. Testimonials regarding the use of Tegretol are mixed. Neurontin: primarily a pain medication, Neurontin has been implicated as alleviating certain physical withdrawal symptoms. Testimonials are mixed and too few for reliable generalization. Beta blockers (e.g. Inderal): beta blockers help with heart palpitations, hypertension, as well as shakes/tremors. Some beta blockers cross the blood/brain barrier, and may be mildly addictive, though the official medical literature states that they are non-addictive. However, that same literature also recommends that they not be discontinued abruptly.
Yes. There are several. And your doctor may suggest one or more. Again, the best advice is to proceed with caution and carefully research any new drug you are considering. A few are mentioned below. Tegretol (carbamazepine): an anti-seizure drug. Some studies have shown this drug to be effective in reducing certain physical withdrawal symptoms. Others have shown it to be ineffective. Testimonials regarding the use of Tegretol are mixed. Neurontin: primarily a pain medication, Neurontin has been implicated as alleviating certain physical withdrawal symptoms. Testimonials are mixed and too few for reliable generalization. Beta blockers (e.g. Inderal): beta blockers help with heart palpitations, hypertension, as well as shakes/tremors. Some beta blockers cross the blood/brain barrier, and may be mildly addictive, though the official medical literature states that they are non-addictive. However, that same literature also recommends that they not be discontinued abruptly. Do not take a bet
Yes. There are several. And your doctor may suggest one or more. Again, the best advice is to proceed with caution and carefully research any new drug you are considering. A few are mentioned below. Tegretol (carbamazepine): an anti-seizure drug. Some studies have shown this drug to be effective in reducing certain physical withdrawal symptoms. Others have shown it to be ineffective. Testimonials regarding the use of Tegretol are mixed. Neurontin: primarily a pain medication, Neurontin has been implicated as alleviating certain physical withdrawal symptoms. Testimonials are mixed and too few for reliable generalization. Beta blockers (e.g. Inderal): beta blockers help with heart palpitations, hypertension, as well as shakes/tremors. Some beta blockers cross the blood/brain barrier, and may be mildly addictive, though the official medical literature states that they are non-addictive. However, that same literature also recommends that they not be discontinued abruptly. Do not take a bet