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Are there any residential epidemiology studies finding increased risk of lung cancer due to radon?


Are there any residential epidemiology studies finding increased risk of lung cancer due to radon?


Yes, several residential epidemiology studies have found an increased risk of lung cancer due to residential exposures (i.e. Sweden, New Jersey, Iowa) These studies are also just pieces of a much bigger puzzle that is being put together. The National Academy of Sciences’ Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VI) Report examines in detail the available studies of radon and lung cancer in homes, as well as the studies of underground miners.


Yes, several residential epidemiology studies have found an increased risk of lung cancer due to residential exposures (i.e. Sweden, New Jersey ) These studies are also just pieces of a much bigger puzzle that is being put together. The National Academy of Sciences’ BEIR VI Report examines in detail the available studies of radon and lung cancer in homes, as well as the studies of underground miners.

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