Are there products that modify an existing toilet without raising it?
Modifying an existing toilet without raising the entire structure requires less construction work, and often could be done by the users themselves, without professional help. Usually, an additional tool is added on top of the toilet seat to raise the height. It could be either fixed on by tools or simply latched on without tools. Several companies carry a vast variety of toilet raisers, some examples are:Dolomite Home Care Products, Inc. offers Dolomite 9000 Raised Toilet Seat with lid, which can be attached to the existing toilet without tools. The raiser offers 2″ to 4″ rise with an optional arm rests that are 8″ from the seat. For further information, contact Dolomite Home Care Products Inc. at 1-888-687-2390, 1-888-657-80007 Fax 50 Shields Court Markham, Ontario L3R 9T5, Canada Or visit their web site at http://www.dolomitehcp.comHome health and durable medical equipment suppliers such as Continental Hospital Supply & Homecare also offers several toilet seat raisers, such as Raised