Are there statewide criminal searches available?
Yes. Every state has a repository of criminal activity that is developed from county level criminal records. Some states, however, do not make this available to the public. Although most states provide this information it may be outdated and incomplete. State repository records in and by themselves is not recommeded by CME. A county level search is the best way to get the most accurate and updated information. A statewide search is always best when added to county level search requests. I know this sounds like more money and truthfully it is. Statewide searches cover more areas than ordering the county of residence for criminal history. Many times we have seen a consumer criminal reocrd on neighboring counties of residence. This is why a statewide search is recommended along with the county level of search. CME believes this will provide a due diligent search and provide you with the greatest amount of protection against liability issues.
Yes. Every state has a repository of criminal activity that is developed from county level criminal records. Some states, however, do not make this available to the public. Although most states provide this information it may be outdated and incomplete. State repository records in and by themselves is not recommeded by CME. A county level search is the best way to get the most accurate and updated information. A statewide search is always best when added to county level search requests. I know this sounds like more money and truthfully it is. Statewide searches cover more areas than ordering the county of residence for criminal history. Many times we have seen a consumer criminal reocrd on neighboring counties of residence. This is why a statewide search is recommended along with the county level of search. CME believes this will provide a due diligent search and provide you with the greatest amount of protection against liability issues.