Can chewing and spitting lead to weight gain?
Yes, I’ve heard something about how it raises insulin, which can cause diabetes. You’re probably not going to see a drastic change in insulin if you only do it every once in a while, but for gods sake, PLEASE stop now before it gets worse. I am at a stage right now where I probably chew and spit more food than I actually eat. It started out just like you, if I was craving something sweet I would chew and spit it, but it’s really gotten out of control now for me. I don’t know if chewing and spitting is recognized as an eating disorder, but believe me it is a hard thing to deal with. Every day I struggle with hiding it from my friends and family. It’s disgusting and embarrassing, and I’m ashamed that I feel like I need to do this. So no, you probably are not going to gain weight or have any serious health issues…IF you don’t get any worse. Please try to stop, though.