Can I have an Astra-Glaze-SW+ face on one side and a Trendstone finish on the other side of the same block?
No, an Astra-Glaze-SW+ and Trendstone finish cannot be on the same block because of differences in block density. We will not cast Astra-Glaze-SW+ facings onto heavyweight or normal weight blocks. Astra-Glaze-SW+ facings must be molded onto lightweight or mediumweitght blocks to get a strong and integral bond. The surface of heavyweight blocks is generally less open, preventing a good mechanical bond between the facing and the block. Therefore, heavyweight blocks do not stand up very well to freezing and thawing in exterior applications. Lightweight blocks perform well in freeze/thaw conditions because the aggregate used (expanded shale or expanded clay in our case) is cellular in nature, giving blocks made with them a good measure of ductility.