Can I run AB Commander from a removable drive (for example, a flash drive)?
Yes, you can! After you have installed AB Commander on your computer, simply copy the files abcmdr.exe and abcmdr32.dll (or, if you use the x64 edition, copy the files abcmdr64.exe and abcmdr64.dll) from the installation folder to the removable drive, and then run abcmdr.exe (or abcmdr64.exe ) from there. If you want to have the User’s Guide on the removable drive as well, copy the file abcmdr.chm to the removable drive, too. How do I change the sorting order of the objects in the panels? You can do it in the same way as with Windows Explorer, by clicking on the appropriate headers of the columns of the panels. For example, to sort the files by size, click on the Size column header. Clicking on the same column header again reverses the sorting order from acsending to descending and back. Another method of changing the sorting order is by right-clicking within an empty area of a panel with the mouse, and choosing the Arrange Icons By… command from the shortcut menu. How do I run AB Co