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Can my iPhone interprete HAWHAW XML without proxy?

HAWHAW interprete iPhone proxy XML
10 Posted

Can my iPhone interprete HAWHAW XML without proxy?


Yes, believe it not: The iPhone is able to interprete HAWHAW XML markup code without any HAWHAW proxy conversion! Like modern web browsers the iPhone is XSLT-capable and therefore can deal with HAWHAW XML documents as provided here: Please consider this access option more as a gimmick because it has some drawbacks: There is no browser detection involved at all. The XSLT transformation creates some sort of hardcoded XHTML, which can not be interpreted by many browsers and devices. And finally the heart of HAWHAW, the PHP library, is totally bypassed and replaced by a single XSLT file. Therefore the preferred way to get access to this demo therefore is via a HAWHAW proxy like this: That said it’s finally up to you how you decide to publish HAWHAW XML applications. One thing to keep in mind is that for many browsers it is a mandatory requirement that the XSLT file is located o

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