Can someone explain Thomas Aquinas notion that Gods own being is an infinate act of existence?
“For Aristotle matter was uncreated and co-eternal with God, limiting the divinity itself (Greek dualism). Aquinas denies this dualism. The world was produced by God through His creative act, i.e., the world was produced from nothing. “Again, we know that Aristotle did not admit providence: the world was in motion toward God, as toward a point of attraction; but God did not know of this process of change, nor was He its ordinator. For Aquinas, on the contrary, God is providence: creation was a knowing act of His will; God, the cause and mover of all the perfections of beings, is also the intelligent ordinator of them” all that happens in the world finds its counterpart in the wisdom of God.”… [Aquinas’] “conception of first cause is the idea that the universe must have been caused by something that was itself uncaused, which he asserted was God.”