Can the elderly use Natures Platform? And how about small children?
If your knees and hips are flexible enough to squat without discomfort, then anyone of any age can use Nature’s Platform. However, if there is any feeling of unsteadiness or tendency to lose your balance then you should have something to hold onto. Either attach hand grips to the wall, or set a chair in front of the toilet (facing away) so you can hold onto the back of the chair. A chair is also advisable for small children. A folding chair with rubber feet is ideal. A walker also works well, especially if space is tight. Top of page redline 11. Will squatting cure my constipation? It depends on the underlying cause or causes. Squatting will certainly improve the situation significantly, but it may not “cure” it. There could be other factors involved. Make sure that your diet is healthy and that you are getting enough exercise. In some cases, congenital factors may interfere with elimination.