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Can the front canopy be removed from the seat/stroller?

canopy removed seat stroller

Can the front canopy be removed from the seat/stroller?


My wife and I bought a Graco Duo Modes is a double stroller for twins + transformer which was found in the review We quietly removed a canopy from a carriage when it was necessary. But it is best to ask the sellers of your seat, perhaps the removal of the upper canopy is not provided


It looks like there is a “peek a boo” window on the back of the front canopy, but the canopy itself looks so large that the little window would not provide enough of a view for me to see my 6 mth old. It also looks like it would be hard for my 2.5 yr old to see anything over top of it as well. Guess I could put little one in back and older one in front, but I was still wondering if it was removable altogether like on some strollers. Thanks!

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