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Can we staple building paper or metal lath directly to DensGlass Gold sheathing?


Can we staple building paper or metal lath directly to DensGlass Gold sheathing?

jeam lee

Hello, everyone, have you ever played a game called RuneScape? I heard this game is very popular before, and now there are still many players, and recently I found a website may be able to help you, to share with you

jeam lee

Hello, everyone, have you ever played a game called RuneScape? I heard this game is very popular before, and now there are still many players, and recently I found a website may be able to help you, to share with you


No. Building felt or building paper such as Tyvek as well as metal lath should not be attached to DensGlass Gold sheathing. DensGlass Gold is not a structural product. It does not offer enough holding power by itself. Such attachments should be made through DensGlass Gold to the framing behind. Felts and building paper are relatively light weight but mechanically fastening these to the framing members using screws and plates will ensure their long-term, in-place retention. Metal lath, with or without paper backing, should be tied following the system provider’s instructions. Lath transmits the weight of conventional portland cement stucco to the framing members.

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