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Can you give me an example how to create smart hints and use it with mySafeBox?

create hints mySafeBox SMART

Can you give me an example how to create smart hints and use it with mySafeBox?


Think of a phrase which is personal to you like your anniversary date, a food that you like, a number, your favorite vacation (trust me you can have hundreds of such items). Let’s say if you chose your anniversary date as the reminder item. You can then create a password hint like “My anniversary date is July 14” and from this you can create a password like “Mad8isJ!4#”. M=My; a=aniversary; d8=date; is=is; J=July; 14 = !4;#=add some special character. It’s that simple. You can show off your creativity by creating passwords which are easier to remember but difficult to guess. So, for the example above, you will enter “My anniversary date is July 14” in mySafeBox. And when you forget your password, you simply look at the reminder notes or the password hint that you stored in mySafeBox.

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