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Do California poppies contain any psychoactive chemicals?

10 Posted

Do California poppies contain any psychoactive chemicals?

Debra Jenkins

California poppies and poppy seeds are frequently misinterpretated as a type of opiate. While the Opium Poppy contains chemicals used in Morphine, Opium, etc, the California poppy does not contain enough chemicals to alter any brain functions through smoking or consuming. They were used in the past predominantly as a pain killer and sleep aid.


California Poppies are not Papaver, and therefore do not contain any of the familiar alkaloids that are present in strains such as the Somniferum. According to American folk medicine herbals-they were used by the native americans-the sap for toothache-tea for colic in babies-used for mild pain as a tea or soaked in hot water then used as a compress. Used by pioneers to treat insomnia, nervous disorders, pain, muscle spasm. Also a diuretic because of its affect on cramping pain, water retention and anxiety. It was used by women for menstrual distress. It has been suggested that it can be smoked as a legal sort of high, but it is unlikely that you will get any noticable effect.


California Poppies are not Papaver, and therefore do not contain any of the familiar alkaloids that are present in strains such as the Somniferum. According to American folk medicine herbals-they were used by the native americans-the sap for toothache-tea for colic in babies-used for mild pain as a tea or soaked in hot water then used as a compress. Used by pioneers to treat insomnia, nervous disorders, pain, muscle spasm. Also a diuretic because of its affect on cramping pain, water retention and anxiety. It was used by women for menstrual distress. It has been suggested that it can be smoked as a legal sort of high, but it is unlikely that you will get any noticable effect.

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