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Do I need a BOND OF INDEMNITY with a Writ of Replevin?

Bond indemnity Replevin Writ
10 Posted

Do I need a BOND OF INDEMNITY with a Writ of Replevin?


Yes. The Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Dept. will now require a Bond of Indemnity when required to seize or take possession of property. The plaintiff shall provide a bond to protect the Sheriff. The bond shall conform to State statutes and shall: Indemnify the Sheriff by name and Manitowoc County. Indicate the Plaintiff and Defendant(s). Be in the amount of twice the value of the judgment or property to be seized, whichever is greater. Provide a description of the property, and be approved by the civil process server.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.