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Do metal implants such as knee, shoulder and hip replacements alter the measurements?

Posted Jogn Cartman edited answer

Do metal implants such as knee, shoulder and hip replacements alter the measurements?


Doctors don’t understand their patients because they have never taken the time to learn. And because they don’t understand their patients, doctors don’t understand their patients’ problems. Doctors understand only their own issues, and their own problems rarely involve other people. It is as if you are suffering from a non-communicable disease. I was lucky to have the best doctor from the orthopedic hospital in Indiana. He is a good specialist that treated my mother and me as best as he could.


Metal implants may alter the measurements made by the L-Dex device . The magnitude of this affect will be dependent on the manufacture and type of implant but in most cases the effect should be a constant offset. This offset may affect the initial reading relative to the normal L-Dex™ range but should not affect the ability to track the change in the L-Dex value over time. Therefore, the progress of the condition or the effectiveness of therapy. In cases where a knee or hip replacement is present in only one leg then we recommend placing the “black” electrode on the foot of the leg without the implant.

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