Do you think Nunsex will appeal to fans of the Stooges/MC5 school of rock?
DARA: Maybe. It’s up to the listeners. The influences are definitely there but we’re not trying to copy anyone. What do you think of the current state of rock’n’roll? DARA: Uuhhh…Not much! Music has become too much of a marketing scheme for the big corporations. It’s like so many music videos are just Pepsi commercials or McDonalds ads. There are some newer popular bands that I like and I think are somewhat genuine but, not many. Even “indie” rock is getting to be a bore. How did you come up with the name Nunsex? DARA: Since I was 14 or 15 (I ain’t no kid, mind ya) and I used to love the comic LOVE AND ROCKETS. Well, the band that was always playing was APESEX. I loved that name buttttttt…I also love Nina Hagen, who inspired me since I was like 12 and her album NUNSEX MONK ROCK. Oh yeah, I knew that sounded familiar! Are you planning on putting out a CD or vinyl anytime soon? DARA: Planning and doing are not the same thing. BUT WE WILL TRY OUR DAMNDEST. What inspires you lyrically?