Does Anadarko have a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan?
Yes, Anadarko offers a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan (DRIP) to its stockholders. The DRIP provides an opportunity to reinvest dividends and offers an alternative to traditional methods of buying, holding and selling Anadarko common stock. For more information about Anadarko’s DRIP, please contact BNY Mellon Shareowner Services (888-470-5786).
Yes, BNY Mellon, Anadarko’s transfer agent, administers the BuyDIRECT Direct Purchase and Sale Plan (BuyDIRECT Plan) for Anadarko. The BuyDIRECT Plan provides an opportunity to reinvest dividends and offers an alternative to traditional methods of buying, holding and selling Anadarko common stock. For more information about the BuyDIRECT Plan, please contact BNY Mellon Shareowner Services toll-free at 1-888-470-5786 or visit their website at