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Does anyone know how far into a pregnancy that an ectopic pregnancy can rupture?


Does anyone know how far into a pregnancy that an ectopic pregnancy can rupture?


Ectopic pregnancies are diagnosed by measuring how quickly your pregnancy hormones rise. Your HcG should double every 48 to 72 hours–slowly rising HcG levels are a sign that the pregnancy is ectopic. The type of ultrasound used can also be a factor in not seeing the baby. External (on the tummy) ultrasounds usually have a tough time seeing anything during early pregnancy. At this stage, your doctor should be using an internal ultrasound. It’s very well possible that you’re not as far along as you think you are. Although the average woman ovulates on the 14th day of her cycle, some women ovulate later (or earlier) than that. Also, it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 days for implantation to take place–that will also affect how far along you are. If you’re really only 6 weeks, it might be too early to see anything. If you’re feeling quite certain that you’re experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, do NOT wait until Tuesday for you test results. Go directly to the ER. A burst tube is life thre

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