Does Caregiver Technologies provide caregiver training and technical support?
Yes. Caregiver Technologies provides ongoing technical support through a Technical Support Subscription Service. This support assists caregivers with usage type questions and problem resolution. Caregiver Technologies technical support provides voice, electronic, and web-based support to assist the caregiver in resolving problems and also to answer any usage or “how to” questions. Caregiver Technologies monitors the Care Receiver Client to ensure that the care receiver’s system is connected to the Internet and the Care Receiver Client is accessible. If an outage is detected, our technical support representatives will be alerted to analyze and resolve the problem without the caregiver’s involvement, if possible. If we cannot resolve the problem without the caregiver’s involvement, the results of our analysis will be provided to the caregiver. The problem analysis will identify the probable cause and the technical support representative will guide the caregiver through the procedure to b