Does freezing alter the flavor or texture of the fish?
Properly frozen and stored salmon will be virtually indistinguishable from fresh salmon to all but the most distinguishing palates. It is a common myth that fish quality suffers more than other meats when frozen. This is because the fats in poorly packaged fish may oxidize and become rancid. In addition, “self-defrosting” freezers common today are notoriously bad storage environments for fish. They remain frost-free by going through a regular thawing cycle that can wreak havoc on the fish or other food stored within–ever notice how ice cubes stored in a self-defrosting freezer tend to evaporate and/or taste funny? The best place to store fish is a good quality chest or upright freezer capable of maintaining a stable sub-zero temperature. Vital Choice fish is vacuum sealed in heavy plastic packaging and stored at a constant -10 degrees F. or colder. Our numerous Testimonials should reassure you that our previously frozen salmon will be every bit as flavorful as fish that were just-caug
Properly frozen and stored salmon will be virtually indistinguishable from fresh salmon to all but the most distinguishing palates. It is a common myth that fish quality suffers more than other meats when frozen. This is because the fats in poorly packaged fish may oxidize and become rancid. In addition, “self-defrosting” freezers common today are notoriously bad storage environments for fish. They remain frost-free by going through a regular thawing cycle that can wreak havoc on the fish or other food stored within–ever notice how ice cubes stored in a self-defrosting freezer tend to evaporate and/or taste funny? The best place to store fish is a good quality chest or upright freezer capable of maintaining a stable sub-zero temperature. Vital Choice fish is vacuum sealed in heavy plastic packaging and stored at a constant -10 degrees F. or colder.
Seafood that’s been properly frozen and stored is virtually indistinguishable from fresh seafood — unless, of course, you have an incredibly distinguishing palate (and even then it’s hard to tell!) When seafood isn’t properly packaged, the fats tend to oxidize and become rancid. Not good. Also, when seafood isn’t kept in a stable sub-zero environment — like, for example, a “self-defrosting” freezer that goes through regular thawing cycles — the process of freezing and thawing will adversely affect the taste and texture of the fish. Fresh Ketch fish is blast frozen, vacuum-sealed in freezer burn-proof packaging, and stored at -20° F or colder.
Properly frozen and stored salmon will be virtually indistinguishable from fresh salmon to all but the most distinguishing palates. It is a common myth that fish quality suffers more than other meats when frozen. This is because the fats in poorly packaged fish may oxidize and become rancid. In addition, “self-defrosting” freezers common today are notoriously bad storage environments for fish. They remain frost-free by going through a regular thawing cycle that can wreak havoc on the fish or other food stored within–ever notice how ice cubes stored in a self-defrosting freezer tend to evaporate and/or taste funny? The best place to store fish is a good quality chest or upright freezer capable of maintaining a stable sub-zero temperature. Vital Choice fish is vacuum sealed in heavy plastic packaging and stored at a constant -10 degrees F. or colder. Our numerous Testimonialsshould reassure you that our previously frozen salmon will be every bit as flavorful as fish that were just-caugh