Does God use evil spirits or demons or Satan to deal with people?
I can’t use scripture because I’m at work, but yes he does. One example is King Saul. Saul tried to contact the dead prophet Samuel through a medium. As with most mediums, Saul contacted a demon who acted like he was Samuel. It told him God’s message, that Saul would die for contacting this spirit. He also did the same thing with King Ahab. He actually asked if someone would volunteer to decieve Ahab. A demon quickly volunteered to do the deed. Some would argue he used Satan to deal with Job’s family. Job’s children didn’t respect him or God. His own wife did not support him. Satan wanted to test Job. Satan killed off Job’s family. It was awful, but God gave Job a new family that loved him, supported him, and didn’t take advantage of him. edit: I found a Bible at work. I Samuel 29:3-20 (Saul and Samuel) and I Kings 22:13-28 (the deception of Ahab by an evil spirit) edit : Emerald, you’re thinking of Lot. Take the crap out of your own eyes before telling me I’m full of it. Lot is the on