Does Jake Barnes represent the lost generation?
Answer At first glance, Jake Barnes would seem the ideal spokesperson for the “lost generation.” This is partly because of his assigned narrative role as observer, surveyor, a human window through which the reader views the reckless behavior of the expatriates and partly because he is the only of the expatriates to which the war has inflicted a physical trauma. The hurt of the other expatriates exists on a more emotional level. The war has not deprived them of a physical ability. Instead it has served to enhance their defeatist outlooks. If anyone has the right to feel lost, confused, and disenchanted, Jake has, for the war has robbed him of a distinctive physical resource. However, Jake Barnes attempts to create a meaningful code for himself despite the fact that his wound defines his limitations. He knows that all is hopeless, that he will never have a “normal” relationship with any woman, yet he continues to test the waters so to speak, to probe his emotional consciousness, at times