Does the birth control pill stop the period ?
Heh, strange question for a guy. 😛 But here’s my answer nonetheless. Birth control pills are usually used (when not just for preventive reasons) to regulate the period. A lot of girls have totally random cycles, and it’s rather frustrating when you make plans and start getting killer cramps at random. Many pills also reduce the severity, even sometimes reducing them to only a day or a few hours. This is when the pills are taken normally. In every pack of birth control, you have a few days where you basically just take sugar pills. During these days, or sometimes a few after, you have your period. Some girls don’t take these placebo pills and instead just start the next package, so they sometimes don’t get a period at all. However, this isn’t exactly what you’re supposed to do. There are some pills that reduce your period to only four times a year, and there is a new pill out that supposedly keeps a girl from having your period at all. Of course, it’s always possible to have “spot blee