Does The Framework apply only to one type of school or one state?
topThe Framework findings emanate from schools with somewhat varied demographics and in a number of states. The school identification methodology points to schools that are “beating the odds” based on their student demographics. In each study, an effort is made to study primarily schools with higher levels of student poverty (using percent eligible for free and/or reduced price lunch) and with larger numbers of English language learners. In some state contexts, the distribution of schools relative to these variables coupled with consistent performance prevents strict adherence to this standard. As a result, readers are cautioned against viewing The Framework as a prescription for working with particular student populations.
top The Framework findings emanate from schools with somewhat varied demographics and in a number of states. The school identification methodology points to schools that are “beating the odds” based on their student demographics. In each study, an effort is made to study primarily schools with higher levels of student poverty (using percent eligible for free and/or reduced price lunch) and with larger numbers of English language learners. In some state contexts, the distribution of schools relative to these variables coupled with consistent performance prevents strict adherence to this standard. As a result, readers are cautioned against viewing The Framework as a prescription for working with particular student populations.