Does ZyWALL support IPSec pass-through?
Yes, ZyWALL can support IPSec pass-through. ZyWALL series don’t only support IPSec/VPN gateway, it can also be a NAT router supporting IPSec pass-through. If the VPN connection is initiated from the security gateway behind ZyWALL, no configuration is necessary for neither NAT nor Firewall. If the VPN connection is initiated from the security gateway outside of ZyWALL, NAT port forwarding and Firewall forwarding are necessary. To configure NAT port forwarding, please go to WEB interface, Setup/ “NAT”, put the secure gateway’s IP address in default server. To configure Firewall forwarding, please go to WEB interface, Setup/Firewall, select Packet Direction to WAN to LAN, and create a firewall rule the forwards IKE(UDP:500).