Easy Dialing feature on my Nokia device is not functioning as expected with some contacts. Why is that?
Issue exists with QWERTY keyboards where some letters are combined with numeric keypad. These combinations may vary in different keyboards. For example in common English keyboard number two (2) is in same key as letter T and number sign (#) is in same key as letter J. Persons name where first one to three (1-3) letters are combined with the numeric keypad and the letter after that is combined with same key as # will have this issue with Easy Dialing functionality. Examples of such names with common english keyboard are Tjipto (2#), Yrjo (31#) and Rytja (132#). Issue is caused by the SIM number fetch functionality. GSM specification states that the user must be able to fetch numbers from SIM card by entering the SIM storage index number with # -sign. Current implementation in QWERTY devices conforms with this specification.