Faced with multiple monsters, can a Wizard discard his whole hand to Charm one, take its treasure, discard that new hand to Charm the next one, and so on?
A. No. Faced with multiple hostile monsters, one does not get any of their treasures until all are defeated. If you Pollymorph one, Charm one, and then must Run Away from the last one, you get no treasure at all. Q. Okay, what about the situation where a Wandering Monster comes along that would ignore or befriend one player in a fight, but not the other? For instance, when the Wandering Monster is an Amazon and one player is female? A. When one player helps another, the monsters do not fight the players separately . . . so if one player is female, the wandering Amazon would give that one player a Treasure and leave without fighting the other one. Likewise, the Stoned Golem makes a bad Wandering Monster because the victims can just ignore it.
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