For the third part of Problem 6, how do I know which edges to include in the Bayesian belief network?
Note that you are suppose to give the Bayesian Belief network that “represents the conditional independence assumptions of the naive Bayes classifier for the PlayTennis.” You should give a bayes net that • Keeps the same conditional probabilities as naive Bayes, and • computes the Prob(PlayTennis=yes) when given the value for each attribute exactly as naive Bayes would. There is a Bayes net that will satisfy both of these. Use the example of page 6.9.1 to give some guidance. Also, don’t worry if the edges you put in the Bayes net do not really correspond to the causality that you would expect. If you satisfy the two conditions above then you have given the Bayes belief network that represents the conditional independence assumptions of the naive Bayes classifier. Be sure to give the conditional probability table associated with the node Wind.
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