Go Top What are some of the biggest myths and mistaken assumptions about HIV and AIDS in Africa?
Dozens of myths and mistaken assumptions still surround HIV and AIDS. Below are a few of the more enduring and pernicious examples: MYTH: If people understand the risks, they will change their lifestyles and give up highrisk behaviours. REALITY: People do not change their behaviour easily. Individuals may be constrained by wider economic and sociocultural factors, psychological, emotional, or physical needs or deeply-held beliefs. MYTH: Available resources should focus on prevention programmes, rather than treating those already infected. REALITY: It is not a question of one or the otherresearch also shows that there are limits to the efficacy of prevention programmes when no treatment is available. MYTH: Medical science can overcome HIV and a vaccine will soon be available. REALITY: A cure for HIV is not likely to appear in the next 15 years. If a vaccine does eventually become available, infrastructure and skills will still be needed to deliver it. MYTH: All AIDS epidemics can be tre