Has ADOT&PF been using supplemental state functional classification guidelines in addition to FHWAs Functional Classification Guidelines manual?
Yes, the following ADOT&PF supplemental guidelines were approved during the 1992-93 statewide functional classification update: • Airport access roads in isolated rural communities with Community Class airports will be classified as Major Collectors. A Community Class airport provides the primary land or water access point to a rural community of at least 25 permanent year-round residents, without other reliable year-round access. • Access roads to rural communities of at least 25 permanent year-round residents, connected by land or marine routes, will be classified as Major Collectors. (Note: A community includes any city, village, or census designated place as defined by the Census Bureau.) Every road that satisfied the above criteria may not have been identified during the 1992-93 update and, consequently, a road may not have been classified correctly. As part of the 2007-2009 Functional Classification Update Project, the Project Group will re-evaluate and update ADOT&PF’s 1992-93 f
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