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How are composting toilets good for the environment?


How are composting toilets good for the environment?


Toilet composting systems benefit the environment in multiple ways. They can play a major role in preserving one of the world’s most important and rapidly diminishing resources: water. They also produce a valuable end-product (compost) that can improve the environment and less reliance on chemical fertilizing products. Composting toilets can also lessen the threat of groundwater contamination (from septic systems), environmental pollution (from broken sewage pipes), and help recycle all sorts of organic household waste. For more information, read “What are the Environmental Benefits of Composting Toilets?” How safe are composting toilets? The short answer is completely safe, when used properly. When not installed and used according to specifications, however, they may pose health risks – just as septic and sewage systems also pose considerable health risks when used or maintained improperly. For a full discussion, read the entire article “Are Composting Toilets Safe?” Where can I put i

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