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How are Palomar™ fractional skin resurfacing laser treatments performed?

10 Posted

How are Palomar™ fractional skin resurfacing laser treatments performed?


Once safety goggles are in place your treatment begins one area at a time, cooling the area before moving onto the next section. No topical anesthetic is required (however some patients request a topical anesthetic) because of the unique sapphire cooling tip. The cooling tip helps control the temperature of the skin, making the treatment a comfortable experience. A treatment session may last up to about an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated.


Safety goggles are worn by both the patient and the esthetician. The esthetician treats one area at a time, cooling the area before moving onto the next section. No topical anesthetic is required because of the unique sapphire cooling tip. The cooling tip helps control the temperature of the skin, making the treatment a comfortable experience. A treatment session may last just over an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated. Is Palomar skin resurfacing laser treatment painful? No, most people find that a Palomar laser session is comfortable. The Palomar laser has a unique sapphire cooling tip that cools the skin before, during and after each pulse light, making the treatment comfortable to most people. Most patients describe the treatment as having a mild “snapping” sensation or sunburn sensation. What should I expect after a Palomar skin resurfacing laser treatment? For the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel like it is sunburned and it will appear slightl

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