How are poker bots raking online money?
In other words, how come poker bots are so successful against human players? Thomas Kessler, founder of (a free Poker coaching service based on a leading bot), explains what makes poker bots so strong: In the long run, poker bots are winning against humans and this can easily be explained by a number of bots’ intrinsics: • Analytical power: bots have, already today, a massive amount of analytical power and it is going to further double every two years as computers become more powerful. Our bot, for instance, simulates ~5 million situations at the Flop in less than a second to perfectly assess the current hand strength and the possible outcomes. Something a human player will obviously never match. • Lifelong memory: can you remember how the opponent sitting next to you last month was playing? Bots have a memory that will never fail. They can remember all their opponent’s previous actions and playing style. In our case, we store all the observed moves (even if our bo