How are products evaluated?
More than 100 consultants, including members of the ADA’s Council on Scientific Affairs and ADA staff scientists, review and declare oral care products safe, effective and worthy of the ADA Seal. The consultants represent all fields relevant to evaluating dental products, including dental materials, microbiology, pharmacology, toxicology and chemistry. In some instances, the ADA may conduct or ask the company to conduct additional testing. Only after a product has demonstrated its safety and effectiveness will the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs award the Seal to that product.
Products are evaluated on thirty-three (33) different criteria. These criteria range from factors related to legality and safety, business risk, and demand analysis, to market acceptance and competition. The statistical analysis is relatively simple and follows three separate evaluations: The Critical Value Score (CVS) is based on five criteria that must be passed in order for the product to be considered for future activities. This score must be very high; in the 80 percent plus range. The Aggregate Value Score (AVS) of the 33 criteria is the overall total. It should be relatively high; in the 60 percent plus range. The Estimate of Success (EOS) should be in the 60 percent plus range in order for the product to receive additional consideration. In order for a product to be considered as a serious candidate for the marketplace, it should score highly on all of the three evaluations. More information 4. I have a few questions about the Innovation Evaluation Program.
Product are evaluated hands-on. I also rely on vendor documentation, customer references, news group postings, and vendor briefings. Back To Top 4. How long have you been evaluating BI products? I’ve been evaluating BI products for more than 15 years and have implemented several of the products reviewed (and some products not yet reviewed here). The content on this web site represents intense research since March 2003.
Products are rated on the following attributes: – Ease of Use/Help File – GUI Interface – Software Installation/Uninstall – Visible Bugs or Quirks – Quality of Technical Support – Degree of Innovation – Price versus Performance What type of awards can I receive? Cool Tool Awards come in three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. To receive a Gold award, a product or service must be the best of breed in its respective class. Recipients are encouraged to post their award on their web site and to cross-link to their review. What’s the benefit to receiving a Cool Tool Award? Prestige and Traffic. The Cool Tool Awards is the Cadillac of web awards, and is recognized for the quality, honesty and integrity of its reviews. People trust our recommendations and look for our awards on web sites, on product packaging and collateral. We also have a knack for boosting your popularity. A casual search of most of the products we have reviewed will reveal high ranking for our reviews in popular search engi
More than 100 consultants, including members of the ADA’s Council on Scientific Affairs and ADA staff scientists, review and declare oral care products safe, effective and worthy of the ADA Seal. The consultants represent all fields relevant to evaluating dental products, including dental materials, microbiology, pharmacology, toxicology and chemistry. In some instances, the ADA may conduct or ask the company to conduct additional testing. Only after a product has demonstrated its safety and effectiveness will the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs award the Seal to that product. “Copyright © 2007 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.