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How can continuity errors be assessed?

assessed continuity errors
10 Posted

How can continuity errors be assessed?


When non-canonical official material (secondary evidence) conflicts with canon (primary evidence), the canon prevails. When canon appears to conflict with canon, we say that there is a “blooper”. When this happens, or when there is a conflict between equally ranked non-canon official sources, resolution must depend on reference to intrinsic and extrinsic considerations, including: physical possibility; semantics; social/cultural plausibility. STAR WARS continuity. –> 3.4.1 What is the significance of the artists’ intentions? In cases when all objective forms of evidence (e.g. the measurable images in a movie or the printed words of a book) prove indecisive, then we may at last resort to considering the declared intentions of the authors and artists. Such evidence is subjective and therefore risky. It can be plagued by many problems. The artists involved in a project do not necessarily share the same intentions. Individuals can misrepresent or miscommunicate their intentions, either un

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