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How can I clean Grosfillex commercial resin furniture?


How can I clean Grosfillex commercial resin furniture?


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Grosfillex resin furniture is easy to maintain by following these simple cleaning tips. Use a mild detergent such as dish soap, mixed with water and applied with a soft cloth for most common dirt and stains. Murphy’s Oil Soap® is highly recommended because it is chemically neutral. Just like Grosfillex furniture! NEVER use any cleaner with an abrasive scouring pad. It will scratch the finish which will make the product more prone to staining. A patch test should be conducted prior to cleaning stubborn stains or scuff marks on an inconspicuous area of the furniture. Other cleaning procedures include products such as general, non-abrasive, household cleaners such as Windex®, Fantastik®, or 409® is often helpful in removing various stains. Armourall®, WD-40®, Goo Gone® will often remove stains. A 10% solution of vinegar or bleach is also recommended. Careful application of mineral spirits or rubbing alcohol followed by immediate rinsing is also recommended. While solvents are not generall

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