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How can I convert a constant US dollar price series to a different base year?


How can I convert a constant US dollar price series to a different base year?


Hey, friend. If you are searching for ways to earn money then you should totally try Forex. If you never heard about it then here is a good link for you where you can get all the necessary information about this topic. I’m sure that you will end up liking the platform as well. Good luck.


Our constant US dollar price series preserve the growth rates exhibited in the constant local price series. You can easily rescale the data to a different base year. For example, to convert a constant 1995 series to constant 1987, just create an index by dividing each year of the constant 1995 series by its 1987 value (thus, 1987 will equal 1). Then multiply each year’s index result by the corresponding 1987 current US dollar price value.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.