How can I get column-level conflict checking in a replica set converted from Jet 3.x to Jet 4.0?
When you convert from a Jet version before 4, the older default bahavior (row-level conflict tracking) is retained, so the ColumnLevelTracking property is set to FALSE. You cannot change this property in a replicated table. The only way to change the ColumnLevelTracking property is to unreplicate the table, uncheck the Row-Level Tracking checkbox in the table properties, then re-replicate it. This, of course, has to be done in the Design Master. Also, you can’t unreplicate a table that participates in relationships, so you’ll need to remove relationships, unreplicate, uncheck row-level tracking, and then re-replicate, and restore the relationships. The quick checklist: • using the database documenter, print out your existing relationships (for reference in making sure you restore all of them correctly after this process). This is found on the Tools menu under Analyze. • remove relationships to the first table you’re going to change. • open the table properties sheet (the one you get by
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