How can I get vertical graticule labels in my AutoCAD drawing?
Recently, we have had several requests for this. I will be looking at adding some features to Hawkeye to enable this for both graticules and tic marks. Since there are so many different preferences in this area, it may be difficult to provide something which will keep everyone happy. The following describes a technique which can be used with the current Hawkeye for both graticules and tic marks. It should enable you to precisely label either in any way you desire. Create a block which has two attributes in it, one for the latitude and one for the longitude. Obviously, you can have a single attribute, and include some graphics if you so choose. Note that to use this with a polyline graticule, you will want to offset the location of the attributes so that the label will not appear directly on top of the graticule line. When defining the attributes, activate the Preset option to disable the prompt for a value when the block is inserted. When defining the attributes, arrange for the text s