How can I manipulate strings and NNN data types in the CAS environment?
To maintain data typing intact between the calculator internal registers and the CAS environment, strings in the calculator register variables in the CAS environment include surrounding quotes as part of the string (e.g. if a register contains the string ABC the corresponding variable in the CAS environment will contain “ABC” instead of just ABC) and non-normalized numbers (NNN) are treated as strings (e.g. if a register contains 0xaabbccddeeff, the corresponding variable contains “0xaabbccddeeff”). Thus, to write a string to a calculator register in the CAS environment, include the surrounding double quotes as part of the string. For example, to write the string FOO, assign the corresponding variable in the CAS environment with “””FOO””” (the quote character is assigned as a string using two quotes in the CAS environment) so that the CAS variable contains the string “FOO” including the quotes. To assign a NNN to a calculator register in the CAS environment, assign it as a string (e.g.