How can I recognize a legitimate mystery shopping opportunity versus a scam?
Genuine mystery shopping programs will not promise you overnight riches and will never guarantee you a job. Mystery shoppers are hired as needed and anyone that promises you otherwise is questionable at best. A legitimate mystery shopping position will always be clear about payment rates and methods. If you have the opportunity, take the time to read independent reviews relating to mystery shopping companies. In reading another’s experience or evaluation of a mystery shopping company, you may gain valuable insight and be better equipped to choose your next career move wisely.Source: Free Online Articles from ArticlesBase.comSource: Free Online Articles from ArticlesBase.comBrian Dolezal is a contributing editor for, a leading provider of independent reviews and rankings for hundreds of consumer products. You can find out how top mystery shopping programs compare by visiting today.
Genuine mystery shopping programs will not promise you overnight riches and will never guarantee you a job. Mystery shoppers are hired as needed and anyone that promises you otherwise is questionable at best. A legitimate mystery shopping position will always be clear about payment rates and methods. If you have the opportunity, take the time to read independent reviews relating to mystery shopping companies. In reading another’s experience or evaluation of a mystery shopping company, you may gain valuable insight and be better equipped to choose your next career move wisely.