How can I send a memo to a group of department members without having to enter all their names individually?
◄Outlook maintains many group mailing lists. The lists for our department include the following: • — Includes anesthesia providers at UCH and VAH. This includes members of the “clinFaculty”, “Residents”, and “CRNAs” lists below plus the pre-anesthesia testing nurses and a few others. • — Includes only regular faculty at UCH and VAH who care for who are involved in direct patient care. • — Includes all department faculty (including clinical faculty included in the clinical list above and research faculty included in the research list below) and some of their secretaries and administrators. • — Includes all department residents and residency the residency secretary. • — Department CRNAs. • — Members of the department’s research division. • — Other department staff members (some are also included in other lists when ap
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