How can I visit a class to see what Dux Ryu Ninjitsu is like?
Dux Ryu classes are held every Monday and Wednesday in the PHED building of USC (University of Southern California) in downtown Los Angeles, from 8-10 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. You can also e-mail for information about classes in the valley. What is training in Dux Ryu Ninjitsu like? Training focuses on stand up sparring, ground grappling, weaponry, defensive and offensive techniques and conditioning. Please email if you have any questions about Dux Ryu Ninjitsu. Please know that your messages are not directly sent to Sensei David Silverman or Hanshi Dux, but are actually sent to the USC Dux Ryu Ninjitsu Club. Therefore, your questions and comments will be answered by Sensei David Silverman’s more experienced students, most of the time. Questions and comments sent for Hanshi Dux and/or Sensei David Silverman are usually forwarded to them. A reply to your email from them depends on their schedule, since they are very busy. If you do send