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How can school councils support character and citizenship education?


How can school councils support character and citizenship education?


School councils are opportunities for parents, teachers, principals, high school students and community representatives to collaborate and promote the well-being and effectiveness of the entire school community. Councils have a mandate to advise and consult with the principal on issues such as the school’s overall mission and philosophy; school policies, rules and objectives; promotion of the school in the community; extracurricular activities; and standards of student conduct. This makes the school council a natural champion of character and citizenship education initiatives. For more information on the role of school councils, see 5. How can I support character and citizenship education at home? The primary responsibility for character and citizenship development has always been with parents and families-in many ways, character and citizenship education is meant to support this essential work that parents are already doing.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.