How do allergy shots work, and are they effective for food allergies?
Allergy shots work on the theory that exposing you to a little bit of the substance you’re allergic to on a regular basis will build up your resistance to it. Many doctors will compare them to immunizations; but immunizations work and there is still no solid reproducible evidence that allergy shots do. My mom tried them on two separate occasions. On the first, 2 1/2 years of regular shots had no effect and her insurance refused to pay for any more. On the second course, 15 years later, she had to have cortisone shots twice and on her last visit went into anaphylactic shock and had to be rushed to the ER. Obviously, I do not think they are effective. I have had friends who swore they worked wonders, but when questioned it was obvious their allergies were very mild, more of an annoyance than an illness. Talk seriously with a family doctor or nurse that you trust before doing it. NOT an allergist; allergy shots are how they make their money and they can’t be objective about them.
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing such great info on some allergy medicine and other stuff here. I have been looking for things like it, and I am glad that I stumbled upon this thread here, very cool!