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How do avoid being induced for labor?


How do avoid being induced for labor?


It is always your right to say “no” to any medical intervention such as labor induction. There are several methods for induction. The most common is Petocin given by IV. There are many reasons a doctor may suggest to induce labor. Here are explanations about the two scenarios you asked about with one extra that I threw in: 1) Related to high blood pressure (preeclampsia and hypertension), doctors often suggest inducing labor once the mother reaches 37 weeks because these conditions can constrict the blood vessels supplying oxygen and nutrients to the uterus. 2) Going over-due. Most doctors will NOT allow a woman to go beyond 42 weeks gestation because they claim that morbidity doubles. However, if you look at the facts, even up to 44 weeks, the risk is extremely low. Nonetheless, many doctors will begin discussing induction as early as 40 weeks and put a great deal of pressure on you to schedule an induction. (delay delay delay- don’t agree to schedule until 42 weeks) 3) Once you go in

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