How do I find the full-text article if a database provides only the citation and abstract (summary)?
You can check the Kean University Library’s periodicals holdings list to see if the library owns the journal in which the article was published. Go to Select Perodicals. Click Kean’s Periodicals. You may browse the alphabetical list of journals, or you may type the journal’s title into the search box and click Go. If a journal’s title is found on the list, look to see if check marks appear to the right of the journal title. A check mark under the Print Holdings heading indicates that the journal is held in print (and possibly microform) form at in the library. Click the check mark below the Print Holdings heading in order to access the journal’s online catalog record. A check mark under the Full Text Access heading means that full-text articles from that journal are available from the database (listed in blue below the journal title) for the date range specified.