How do I override the JAXP implementation in J2SE SDK 1.4?
From J2SE 1.4 onwards, there is an Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism which can be used to override the classes in the SDK itself. One way to replace the classes in the SDK with the classes contained in a set of jar files is to place the jar files in some directory, “endorsed”, and define a system property. For example, to use a newer version of Xalan, place the newer version of xalan.jar in the “endorsed” directory and invoke the Java launcher with the -Djava.endorsed.dirs= endorsed option. • Q. How do I use W3C XML Schema with JAXP? Use the JAXP 1.2 API to validate instance documents with W3C XML Schema. The JAXP 1.2.0 RI contains two sample programs (DOMEcho and SAXLocalNameCount) that illustrate how to do this. See the JAXP 1.2 specification for more details.