How do I select time/expense records that meet certain criteria and modify them?
This function can only be performed by the Manager of a group. Click on the Administration button and go to the “Global Modification and Deletion of Time/Expense Records” screen. On this screen you can search for Time/Expense Records that meet as many or as few criteria as you wish. Once the records have been retrieved, you can select and commit, uncommit, modify, or delete any of these. • How do I view another product screen (i.e., Expenses, Journals, etc.) as I am entering timesheet data? It is possible to make another product screen pop up in a separate window, in order to view it while editing your timesheet in a Windows setting. To do this, simply right-click on the button for the desired product screen on the menu bar. Choose ‘Open in a New Window,’ enter your user name and password, and voila!